Restorative Diversion is a community-based Restorative Justice initiative to begin to reduce our reliance on the criminal justice system and provide real support to all impacted by crime. By identifying and addressing the needs of people committing low level offenses, we provide them with the services and care they need so they can begin to make other choices in order stop criminal behaviors. Those impacted by crime can also get the help they need to be able to heal and return back to their lives. This process is an effective alternative to incarceration and can create greater public safety by effectively reducing recidivism by addressing the real needs of those impacted.

Our Restorative Diversion Program uses Restorative Justice as a framework and as the foundation for our practices. This framework grounds our services in the exploration of what is best for all parties impacted by crime. The values that support this work include respect for all, accountability and repairing relationships when possible.

This framework addresses impacts of harm by:

  • Discovering ways to create public safety by addressing the short term and long terms needs of those impacted by crime
  • Holding responsible parties accountable for their actions while providing resources for their own healing and transformation
  • Repairing relationships and restoring impacted members back into their communities
  • Respectful care and concern for the needs of all involved


RJ is a model of justice and set of practices that sees wrongdoing as a breakdown in relationships. RJ takes a relational, trauma informed and holistic approach to be able to address impacts of harm and works to repair or restore relationships to the degree possible through dialogue, restitution, healing and collaboration.

Unlike our current punitive approach which asks who is to blame and what punishment do they deserve, Restorative Justice seeks to understand:

  • Who has been impacted by harm?
  • What are the needs of all impacted?
  • What are the obligations and who is responsible for them?
  • How do all stakeholders engage in meaningful dialogue to create solutions?

Core Values of Restorative Justice:

  • Respect – We acknowledge and value the inherent worth of all humans regardless of their past; we meet people where they are at and provide a path back to their authentic self and reconnection to society through dignity.
  • Responsibility – We support participants to look at their role in the harm that was generated and to hold themselves accountable for the impact of their actions.
  • Relationship – We understand that we are dependent on each other and are embedded in a web of relationships.
  • Repair – By addressing the impacts of harm honestly, we provide responsible parties and those impacted the opportunity begin to heal from the harm they experienced or caused by addressing root causes, needs and resources for healing.
  • Reintegration – by successfully addressing the harm they caused, responsible parties can be reintegrated back into their community instead of being cast away, shamed or isolated. In this process, they can begin to rebuild the trust that was lost with the support and guidance necessary.


Eligible cases are diverted by the District Attorney’s Office into the Restorative Diversion Program.

Participation in the program is voluntary for both those impacted by crime and responsible parties. The only requirement is that the responsible party be willing to accept responsibility for their actions.

This process is facilitated by community volunteers trained in restorative justice, mediation and facilitation. Facilitators will help responsible parties create a Plan of Action to be able to identify their needs, core issues underlying the harmful behavior(s) and community resources to effectively help them repair and restore themselves.

The Plan of Action may include:

  • Community service
  • Facilitated dialogues
  • Restitution to the person(s) impacted by the harm
  • Counseling/therapy/mentoring
  • Education
  • Ongoing support through restorative circles

Once the responsible party successfully completes this process, their case will be reviewed by the District Attorney’s office and may be dismissed or sealed. If their case is not resolved, it will be re-routed back to the DA’s office for them to determine possible legal resolution.



  • Restorative Diversion participants
  • DA Office
  • Transformative Justice Institute (TJI)
  • Law Enforcement
  • Community Volunteers
  • Community Services


Donations big and small help us to make available our services to any individual or group in need.

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