Circles are a holistic way to address important issues, decision making or challenges as a team, family or community with courage, integrity and resolution. Circles can be used to repair harm, restore relationships, educate and create equity, regardless of the past. At the Transformative Justice Institute, we believe in the power and the potency of the circle process and the collective knowing that comes through the wisdom of the circle.

Circles are facilitated by trained facilitators / circle keepers. Utilizing the practices of restorative justice, we co-create a safe space within our circles to encourage people to show up authentically, be heard, listen deeply, work collaboratively and create lasting change.

Circles can be used for:

  • education
  • conflict resolution
  • decision making
  • creating equity
  • community building and connection
  • addressing and resolving issues
  • healing
  • sharing information
  • reconciliation and repairing harm
  • celebration
  • restitution

Who can benefit from a circle:

  • communities/neighborhoods
  • schools/universities
  • businesses
  • government agencies
  • corporations
  • organizations
  • prisons/jails
  • faith based groups
  • families
  • family estates & trusts
  • nonprofits
  • individuals

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We understand that conflict is a natural part of being in relationship since people have different communication styles, life experiences, perspectives and needs. We believe conflict can be used to deepen connections and foster greater learning & intimacy. We understand that we often get into a conflict with others because we may have never learned the tools of communication, we may not understand what we or the other is feeling or needing, or we lack the courage to communicate our truth. All of these skills and tools can be learned at any age any time, regardless of someone’s past, helping them to have the courage and skills to address their conflict and resolve it.


At the Transformative Justice Institute, we support individuals to resolve conflicts or have meaningful, courageous conversations in one of two ways:
1. We work with individuals as their coach, supporting them in learning the necessary skills to have impactful conversations or dialogues with someone in order to resolve a conflict or have a difficult conversation with a successful resolution.
2. We facilitate or mediate dialogues between people, teams or groups with the assistance of a trained mediator/facilitator. 

 Utilizing a restorative and transformative justice framework, we create a space of safety, inclusivity, respect and intended outcomes to help you resolve your conflict effectively and permanently or to help facilitate meetings, retreats and important discussions.


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Positive relationships in the workplace are crucial to the joy, health and productivity of any employee and the organization or business they work for.

Restorative HR (RHR) is an innovative, leading-edge approach to dealing with traditional HR issues. RHR empowers individuals to identify and manage their own behaviors and communication within the workplace to create a culture of peace, equity and accountability. This results in issues being addressed more quickly and efficiently than the conventional route, saving the employer more time and money and fostering employees who are genuinely happy with their jobs.

RHR brings together traditional HR practices, with Organizational Development and Restorative Justice to help create equitable and accountable workplaces where employees learn how to hold themselves responsible for their behaviors and communicate effectively.

Restorative HR Practices and Outcomes Include:
– Reparation of relationships
– Discovery of root causes
– Conflict resolution
– High level of personal accountability
– Process promotes integrity
– Proactive Inquiry
– Restorative questions
– Inclusivity 

When employees are trained and supported to resolve their own conflicts, differences and communication, they alleviate the lengthy and costly burden on HR departments. 

Issues That Can Be Addressed Using Restorative HR:
– Racial bias and discrimination
– Workplace bullying and issues of inequity
– Repeated employee misconduct
– Breach of trust/confidentiality
– Poor or ineffective communication
– Lack of accountability
– Sexual harassment
– High-level conflict resolution
– Low morale
– Performance issues
– Ineffective management or leadership
– Lack of vision or planning

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At San Quentin State Prison, we are currently training a group of prisoners to become mediators of conflict in their incarcerated community. Participants will go through a 64 hour training to become certified circle keepers, mediators and peace makers in order to promote peace and conflict resolution in the prison from the inside out.

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